Adult Groups

A major focus of the Presbyterian church is the education and faith development of congregation members.  Faith development is a lifelong process, and we seek to love God with our both our hearts and our minds. At First Presbyterian Church, we offer three weekly options for adult education.

The Thoughtful Christian (2nd & 4th Sunday Night @ 5:00 ) – During this time, we discuss issues that matter to us and try to understand how our faith informs our actions.

Joy Class (2nd & 4th Sunday Night @ 5:00) - This class is designed for adults with intellectual disabilities. All activities are presented in a way that makes Biblical and theological concepts applicable and accessible.

Inquiry (Sunday Morning @ 9:30) – This discussion-based class centers on the study of various theological books. Typically, the curriculum is selected by the participants ahead of time. Past studies have included Simply Christian by N.T. Wright, A New Kind of Christian by Brian McLaren, and Dare to Dream by Mike Slaughter. Rotating leadership.

The Mariners - This group meets on a monthly basis for fun, food, and fellowship. A yearly schedule is available by calling 618-392-6101.